Step siblings rivalry: How to deal with and help them get along?

Step siblings rivalry: How to deal with and help them get along?

The world of siblings is beautiful and chaotic sometimes. This is where the parents need to step in and bring them together. Because, even after the parents’ age, these children need to have an emotional bond. May newlywed second marriage couples think “Is it practical for step-siblings to get along?”

Step siblings’ relationships can get messy because putting two random children under one roof may lead to fights. Also, they find it difficult to adjust and accept each other as siblings. However, the hatred among step-siblings varies according to age and cultural differences. Therefore, parents do need to put in effort for this.

Though it might take some time and a little effort from the parent’s side, step-siblings can get along. If you are considering remarriage and blending families, here are some tips for maintaining a cordial relationship among step siblings and building a happy family.

Do you have teenagers at home? Then how to handle teenage behavior is something every parent needs to understand better.

How to Help Step Siblings Get Along?  

Never take sides  

When disagreement with children happens, there is a common tendency to take your child’s side. However, this habit may alienate the other child and cause step siblings rivalry. Child Experts teach more about this and how to manage children effectively.

Sharing is caring between step siblings

Teaching children about sharing is an extremely important factor in parenting. Children may feel stressed about sharing their things and personal space when planning to blend into families. If your child is less age, you can reward them with something for sharing things with their step siblings.  

Balance and spend time with each child

Trustful and happy relationships are built over time. Make sure you and your partner spend some quality time with each child. You can take them out for ice cream or to a park and have close communication. This will help in building a happy family bond.  

Do not force step-siblings to interact

This is one very important aspect every parent needs to know. The more you force, the more stubborn they can get. So, unwantedly, you may make relationships harder for them. Never force your children to get along with each other or your partner. To them, it is a new family. They might feel stressed about losing their typical family structure. It will take some time for children to get along, and they will.   

What you can do instead is:

  • Have normal conversations with everyone casually. For instance, ask each child about their day at school.
  • Make no sort of comparisons. For instance, one child could have finished their plate, while the other one may be a bit slow. Encourage them to eat with a small story by the side or a game.
  • Give older children responsibilities that they need to look after the younger ones. For the tiny tots, let them know that these older kids are always approachable.
  • Never let them know that they should be in good relations for a lifetime. The cause creates stubbornness, because they may be attached to the ex-parents too.
  • Go for outings together, to bring more fun and ease down the tension.

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How to manage Sibling Rivalry v/s Step sibling Rivalry?

Sibling rivalry is common in families with two or more children. Sometimes a child becomes jealous when a new member joins the family and parents start to care for young ones. Alternatively, in some families, kids fight over trivial things; they may fight over a TV remote, a toy, or a bar of chocolate.

Step sibling rivalry is one step ahead for parents. The addition of step siblings to the family is only going to worsen the situation. Dealing with sibling fights doesn’t require emotional struggle from parents; however, dealing with step siblings’ fights can add a lot of emotional pressure and stress to the family.  

One Tip:

Children accept what a parent says when consistently shown. First, both parents need to agree together that all children are going to be brought up on a uniform platform of consideration. Second, make children know whoever does wrong will have the same punishment. No cookies for your own child. Third, make them feel you are just and always have your discussions with children around the table. It should never be in private.

Does the step sibling rivalry in the family stress you? Do you think that they are not going to get along? Firstly, know that you are not the only one facing this issue. And just like sibling rivalry, step sibling rivalry is also common. Give them some time, and you’ll be amazed at their friendship. However, some of the common causes of step sibling rivalry are:  

  • Stress from the dissolution of their previous family arrangement  
  • Children get jealous when their parents try to get along with their step siblings  
  • Sometimes children become unsure about their value or position in the new family structure  

Each child is different, and before trying to blend the children, you should know the character and behavior of the children. Don’t expect the process to be quick, and it is going to take some time; however, good things take time! 

Teena Abraham

Meet Teena Abraham, a seasoned writer for over a decade, skillfully navigates all forms of writing, excelling in marketing, formal, casual, and informal styles. Beyond the written word, she channels her culinary knowledge, intuition, and passion as a dedicated chef. A dreamer at heart, Teena finds joy in embracing her inner child, guided by her two creative kids who infuse her life with boundless inspiration and vibrant creativity.
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