Second Marriage: Life is too short to live it alone

Second Marriage: Life is too short to live it alone

Second Marriage is a new way to start life again. If you are doubtful about whether it is meant for you, we have a sweet story of love and hope right below. Do you know we are all social beings and truly need a reliable partner? One bad partner is not the end of the story. At rematch, you will meet the person who meets your mind, and smile – just the way you are.

Dear readers, 

I want to share with you the story of Amma’s second marriage. It was a journey that was filled with hopelessness, rejection, and eventually, a beautiful union. 

The Second Marriage Experience

My Amma, Renuka, was a victim of domestic violence in her first marriage. I was just a young girl and it was hard for me to see my mother suffer through it all. But she stayed strong and eventually decided to leave my father. It was not an easy decision, and many people in our community blamed her for “breaking” her marriage. However, I was proud of my mother for taking control of her life and putting herself first. 

Years passed, and I could see that my Amma was lonely. She never talked about it, but I could see it in her eyes. I tried to talk to her about it, but she was too shy and scared because of her age. So, I took it upon myself to find her a match through an online matchmaking app. I even did her makeup for her first date! 

Unfortunately, the first date didn’t go well. My Amma was sad and hopeless, and I could see that she was ready to give up. But I was not ready to give up on her. I made her understand that rejections are normal and asked her to try again and again until she feels loved. 

I once read this, about second marriage.

“In a second marriage, we have the wisdom to mend the broken pieces, the strength to rebuild with purpose, and the grace to love again, creating a new chapter of shared happiness and resilience.” Unknown

One day, as they were sitting together, Amma started to tell me about Thomas. She told me about how he was also divorced and had gone through similar struggles as her. How they had talked for hours on the phone, and he had made her feel alive again. It was wonderful to see the smile on her face and the twinkle in her eyes as she talked about him. 

Moreover. I felt a rush of emotions as I saw my mother so happy after so many years. Besides that, I was so happy for her, but at the same time, I couldn’t help feeling a little scared. What if it didn’t work out? What if she got hurt again? But I knew I had to let her take this chance. She deserves to be happy and I was happy to paly a role in this.

As Amma and Thomas continued to date, I could see their bond growing stronger with each passing day. Thomas had become like a father to me and was ready to protect and love me like his own daughter. And I knew that this was the person my mother could find solace in. 

The Beauty of Second Marriage

When they finally thought it was time to marry, I could not feel happier. I helped Amma pick out her wedding dress and did her makeup for the big day. As I stood next to her at the altar, I knew that this was the beginning of a new and beautiful journey for both of them. 

In Indian society, people view second marriages with suspicion and judgment. But I realize that love is what is important and not factors like age. It’s never too late to find happiness and companionship. And if we open our hearts and minds, we can find love again, no matter how many times life can knock us down. You must understand in a second marriage, you need to open your mind and search for a person who differs from the older one.

I know that second marriages in Indian society were a matter of concern for many. People often frown upon it, and many see it as a sign of failure. But I want to tell you that second marriages can be beautiful too. My Amma’s second marriage was proof of that. It was a journey filled with hope, love, and happiness 

Through Amma’s journey, I could understand that love could heal even the deepest wounds and that it’s never too late to start again. So, if you are someone who is contemplating a second marriage, don’t be afraid. Take that leap of faith and find someone who will love and cherish you. Life is too short to live it alone. 

Teena Abraham

Meet Teena Abraham, a seasoned writer for over a decade, skillfully navigates all forms of writing, excelling in marketing, formal, casual, and informal styles. Beyond the written word, she channels her culinary knowledge, intuition, and passion as a dedicated chef. A dreamer at heart, Teena finds joy in embracing her inner child, guided by her two creative kids who infuse her life with boundless inspiration and vibrant creativity.
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