So, you’ve decided to take the plunge and move in with your partner before tying the knot? Before you pack your bags and start sharing toothbrushes, what should be included in a live-in relationship checklist in India?
The “Let’s Talk About It” Conversation
Before you even think about swapping keys, sit down and have a heart-to-heart. Discuss your expectations and even the little annoyances you both might have. Is the bedroom going to be a shared sacred space, or will you each have your own corner of calm? It’s all about clear communication because this can make or break a relationship.
Define the Boundaries (No, Really)
While it sounds romantic to just “let things flow,” boundaries are essential in a live-in relationship. Are you okay with spending every weekend binge-watching Netflix together, or do you need some space for solo time? Discuss whether you’re comfortable with family visits, friends dropping by, and the frequency of those “intimate” moments. Respecting each other’s personal space is just as important as sharing a bed.
Check the Legal Stuff
Now, let’s get all grown-up and responsible for a second. In India, while living together isn’t criminalised, certain states may ask you to register with the local police. No one wants to end up on the wrong side of the law, so a little bit of paperwork may be necessary. Don’t forget about the whole property rights thing too. If you’re planning to buy furniture together (which you will, trust me), get clear on who owns what and how to divide things if the relationship goes south.
The “Parent Talk” Prep
Let’s face it, your parents are probably going to have something to say. In India, the concept of living together before marriage can still raise a few eyebrows. So, before your well-meaning aunties or uncles ask you about “settling down,” be prepared for a chat. You don’t need to go into all the details, but you should probably have a solid explanation for why you’re not rushing to the mandap just yet. It’s all about respecting your family’s values while living your own truth.
House Rules and Chores: The Eternal Debate
The key to a happy home, especially in a live-in situation, is a good system of house rules. You might want to create a chore chart – yes, seriously – and agree on who does what. Don’t wait for the dreaded “Why didn’t you wash the dishes?” argument to pop up. And remember, the act of doing chores isn’t a “favour,” it’s a shared responsibility. Teamwork makes the dream work, after all.
Budgeting: The Money Talk
Money matters can be tricky in any relationship, but in a live-in, it’s even more so. Are you splitting rent equally, or will one person foot the bill while the other handles groceries? What about utilities? It’s important to be upfront about finances and make sure you’re both on the same page. This is where your inner economist must come out. Create a joint budget (or a simple app-based tracking system) to avoid those awkward money moments later on. And yes, separate accounts are still okay, but keep track of your shared expenses.
The “What’s Mine is Yours” Dilemma
Now that you’re sharing a living space, it’s time to discuss your things. Is your wardrobe full of your partner’s clothes? Are you sharing the TV remote like it’s a precious commodity? There will be moments when your partner uses your favourite mug, and you’ll have to summon the patience of a saint. Discuss sharing your personal belongings and make sure you’re comfortable with each other borrowing things (or “accidentally” taking them).
Are You Ready for the “Morning After” Reality?
Let’s be honest, in the early days of a relationship, everything feels like a honeymoon. But after a while, the morning after might come with a dose of reality. Your partner may snore, leave dirty socks around, or hog the blanket. Are you prepared for the less-than-glamorous side of cohabitation? It’s important to go into a live-in situation knowing that the glitter of romance fades slightly when reality sets in. But the good news is, when you’ve chosen the right person, even those annoying habits become endearing.
Emotional Check-in: Who’s Feeling What?
A live-in relationship isn’t just about dividing chores or sharing Netflix passwords; it’s about emotional intimacy too. Are you both comfortable discussing your feelings and checking in with each other about how things are going? Is one of you pulling more weight emotionally or letting things slide? It’s essential to keep communication flowing. A live-in relationship can be a beautiful mix of companionship, so make sure you’re nurturing the emotional connection too.
Respecting the “Outside World”
As much as you love living together, you both need to remember that the world exists beyond your home. Maintaining relationships with family and your social circles is crucial. Living together can be wonderfully cosy, but don’t forget to maintain your own identities outside of your partnership. Whether it’s an evening out with friends or solo time for a hobby, respecting each other’s need for me-time is key to keeping things fresh.
When Things Go Wrong (And They Will)
Here’s the reality check: not everything will be sunshine and roses. You’ll have disagreements, you’ll face challenges, and yes, at times, you may even wonder if living together was the best idea. But remember, these bumps are just part of the journey. How you handle them together is what truly matters. Will you talk it out, laugh it off, or take a timeout? The key is to never let issues fester. Deal with them, resolve them, and move forward.
The Endgame: Are You Both on the Same Page?
Lastly, it’s important to consider the future. Are you both moving in with the same long-term goals in mind? Is marriage or a long-term commitment part of the plan, or are you just enjoying the moment? While live-in relationships can be a beautiful way to build a deeper connection, it’s essential to ensure that your goals align. Having a chat about where you see the relationship going is always a good idea, even if it’s light-hearted. After all, relationships evolve, and being in tune with each other is a must.
A Final Thought
In this blog we discussed how to prepare for a live-in relationship in India checklist. Moving in together is a big step, like, bigger than deciding what to have for dinner kind of big. But it can be incredibly rewarding when done with the right person and plenty of thought. Take your time, enjoy the process, and don’t forget to have fun along the way! After all, this isn’t just about living together, it’s about building a life together.
And hey, if you’re ever unsure about how to navigate your live-in relationship or need advice on taking the next step, don’t forget to check out the Rematch app. It’s your perfect companion for relationship tips and connecting with people who understand the unique journey you’re on.
And just to be paradoxical check out our blog on ending a live-in relationship checklist while you are here.