Terms & Services

About Us: The Rematch Team 

We are more than being matchmaking app. Rematch is also a socially responsible and sustainable venture owned and operated by Sociable Tech Ventures Ltd. Our team of experts brings over 50 years of experience in business strategy, IT, quality assurance, finance, digital marketing, and product creation to the table, ensuring that our platform is always at the forefront of innovation with regards to the user experience. 


Terms & conditions

These terms and conditions are a legal and binding agreement between you (“the user”) and Sociable Tech Ventures Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as “rematch”). Terms and conditions state the grounds on which the user can use and/ or register with rematch.in (“site”/ “website”/ “us”/ “we”/ “our”/ “rematch”). Terms and conditions are updated from time to time at our sole discretion and the most updated version is always available on the site along with the date of the last revision. Continued use by the user of the site after any revision indicates the user’s acceptance of the updated/ revised terms and conditions.

By accessing the site and using the services (as defined below) as offered on this site, you become the user and become bound by, the terms and conditions of this agreement and other policies of Rematch for as long as you continue to use/ visit the site or services. Your use, registration, or participation of any kind with the site or services being provided confirms, agreement to the terms and conditions and any applicable policies.

Please note: If you do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, do not use, or register with the site or for services. 

We at Rematch provide premium matchmaking services consisting of recommendations and suggestions based on the users’ requirements (collectively, the “services”). Rematch may offer additional services or revise any of the services, at its discretion at any future date in which these terms and conditions shall apply to all additional services or revised services. All rights to cease offering any of the services on the site are reserved with Rematch.

  1. Eligibility

1.1. Minimum Age: The user of the site must be at least 18 years old to use or to register at the site to avail services. By using the services on the site, the user represents and warrants that he/ she is a minimum of 18 years old. It is possible that certain services may have other age requirements and such other age requirements are stated at the relevant places.

1.2. Criminal History: By requesting to use, registering to use, and/or using the service, the user represents and warrants that the user has never been convicted under any law governing us or the user. Rematch reserves the right to conduct a criminal background check, at any time and use available public records, to confirm the possibility of misrepresentation. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, the user consents to and authorizes such check.

1.3 Verification: By agreeing to the terms and conditions, the user hereby authorizes Rematch (and its third-party authentication agency) to conduct verification checks on the user/ you. The verification process is critical/ important for receiving the complete set of services offered at the site by Rematch. The verification process is initiated and performed if:

  1. a) Specifically asked you to receive the defined set of services offered on the site;
  2. b) Rematch, at its sole discretion, decides to conduct a verification check whenever deemed necessary.

In either case, the user will be appropriately notified and requested to provide the required documents and fill in the necessary consent forms for initiating and completing the verification process.

User agrees and confirms that non-abidance of verification requests made by Rematch will render the registered account at the site terminable at the instance of Rematch without any recourse, whatsoever. Rematch is authorized and justified in taking any action necessary on such refusal by the user.

The user agrees and understands that Rematch or its third-party expert service provider and their associates are not the author or creator of the information coming forth in the verification checks. Under these premise and limitations, Rematch or its third-party expert service provider or their associates do not warrant the accuracy, validity, or completeness of the content of the verification checks. Rematch expressly disclaims that the verification checks will meet the user’s aspirations or expectations and shall be performed uninterruptedly. Verification check verifies the existence of the facts and information provided by the user; it does not verify the authenticity of the facts itself. The user could also register with the site if the same has been recommended through any of our third-party entities/ or corporate schemes. However, it is clarified that any such recommendation will not give rise to any liability on the part of the third-party entity/ or corporate recommending the services, and the user will have no claim against the relevant recommending entity or Rematch during the term of receiving the services or thereafter.

1.4 Meeting Matching System Criteria: To register for the services, the user has to undertake a personality assessment prepared by Rematch specialists/ experts in the panel. The user is expected to fill in/ respond to the questions in the personality assessment. This will be helpful for Rematch to make recommendations of the closest match in personality type and probable compatibility with the user. 

  1. Use of Site and Service

As a user of the site or a user registered to use any of the services (a “registered user”), the user agrees to the following:

2.1 Exclusive Use: The account with the site is available under two categories, i) Paid account; and ii) Free user account. Once an account is created with the site it is for the user’s personal use only. The user may not authorize others to use the account. The account with the site is non-assignable and non-transferable to any third party whether a person or an entity. The user acknowledges and confirms that Rematch is not responsible for third-party access to the user’s account that results from theft, hacking, or misappropriation of usernames and passwords.

2.2 Geographic Limitations: The site and services are currently intended for users within India. The services and the site at some time may be made open to other geographical locations as well and the same will be made known to the users through notifications/ intimation on the site. The user agrees to be consistent with these terms and conditions and any applicable local, state, national, and international laws, and regulations, including, but not limited to, the location where the user is located or is a national. By using the services, as a user you represent that you have not been designated by any applicable law or regulation as a person/entity to whom the provisions of the services cannot be provided and who is prohibited from receiving the services. Registration for, and use of, the services become void if the same have been prohibited and the user uses or registers with the site. You are responsible for determining whether the user of the services is legal in your jurisdiction

2.3 Information Submitted: The user is solely responsible for, and assumes all liability regarding, (i) the information and content provided at the site for the service; (ii) the information and content the user posts, transmits, publishes, shares, or otherwise makes available (hereinafter“post”) to Rematch for the services; (iii) user interactions with other registered users through the services; and (iv) the information provided in the personality assessment. 

2.4 Risk Assumption and Precautions: All risks when using the services and the site, including but not limited to all the risks associated with any online or offline interactions with others, including meeting other matches remain with the user. The user is expected to use his / her best judgment in experiencing any of the benefits/ requirements of the services. The user agrees to take all necessary precautions when meeting individuals through the site and under the services. In addition, the user agrees and confirms to review and follow the recommendations outlined in the site as pointers to safety and/ or mailed to the user from time to time. The user undertakes to adhere to the safety pointers and shall at all times be responsible for all outcomes of meeting/ sharing information and/ or being in a short or long-term relationship through the services/ site. It is accepted and understood by the user that at all times the user shall use his/ her judgment and discretion in receiving the services through the site or proceeding with a match and/ or deciding to be in a relationship with a match here from.

2.5 No Guarantees: Rematch through the site and its specific systems attempts to provide matches on a best-effort basis, however, every user may not find ideal matches through the services. Furthermore, Rematch does not make any representations or guarantees regarding the number or frequency of matches through the service, or the ability, desire, or criteria of such proposed matches to communicate with the user. The user fully understands and accepts that Rematch makes no guarantees, either express or implied, direct, or indirect, regarding the user’s ultimate compatibility with matches/ individuals the user meets through the service or as to the conduct of such individuals.

2.6 Background and Verification Checks: Rematch engages with third-party experts for conducting basic background verification checks and does not take any guarantees for the same other than as offered, represented, warranted, and undertaken by such third-party experts providing these services to Rematch. By accepting the terms and conditions and having a registered account with the site, the user has agreed to complete the self-verification process. The user agrees and accepts that if the user refuses/ fails to get the verification check completed then, rematch at its sole discretion, without any recourse from the user, has the right to terminate the account. The set of services offered at the app/site is linked to the completion of the verification process and the user may receive corresponding permits based on the verification.

2.7 No Tolerance for Objectionable Content or Abusive Users: Abuse, trolling, inappropriate & objectionable content such as (but not limited to) threats, nudity, obscenity, etc. are an immediate violation of the terms of use of Rematch. If any such violation is brought to our attention via a “report user” mechanism or other mechanisms, Rematch will take strict and relevant action against such violation.

2.8 Reporting of Violations: The user is obligated and should promptly report at the site if any violation of the terms and conditions by others, including but not limited to, registered users as soon as the user becomes aware of the same.

2.9 Content Removal: Rematch reserves the right, but has no obligation, to monitor the information or material the user submits to the site or the posts in the public areas of the services or linked to other public sites. Rematch always reserves all rights to remove any such information or material that in its sole opinion violates, or may violate, any applicable law or either the letter or spirit of this terms and conditions or the integrity of any other user or upon the request/ report of any third party. Rematch reserves the right to remove matches previously delivered to the user, in its sole discretion, to maintain the quality of experience and authenticity of the site, without any recourse from the user.

2.10 Posting and Communication Restrictions: The user will not post on the Services, transmit to other users, communicate any content (or links thereto), or otherwise engage in any activity on the site or through the services, which:

  1. a) Promotes any kind of discriminatory material, racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual;
  2. b) Is intended to or tends to harass, annoy, threaten, or intimidate any other users of the site or services;
  3. c) Is defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, offensive, sexually oriented, obscene, or otherwise objectionable;
  4. d) Contains others’ copyrighted content (e.g., music, movies, videos, photographs, images, software, etc.) Without prior approval of the owner;
  5. e) Contains video, audio photographs, or images of another person without his or her permission (or in the case of a minor, the minor’s legal guardian);
  6. f) Promotes or enables illegal or unlawful activities, such as instructions on how to make or buy illegal weapons or drugs, violate someone’s privacy, harm or harass another person, obtain other’s identity information, create, or disseminate computer viruses, or circumvent copy-protect devices;
  7. g) Intended to defraud, swindle, or deceive other users of the services;
  8. h) Contains viruses, time bombs, trojan horses, cancelbots, worms, or other harmful, or disruptive codes, components, or devices;

i)Promotes or solicits involvement in or support of a political platform, religion, cult, or sect;

  1. j) Disseminates another person’s personal information without his or her permission, or collects or solicits another person’s personal information for commercial or unlawful purposes;
  2. k) Is off-topic, meaningless, or otherwise intended to annoy or interfere with other’s enjoyment of the site;
  3. l) Impersonates, or otherwise misrepresents affiliation, connection, or association with, any person or entity;
  4. m) Solicits gambling or engages in any gambling or similar activity;
  5. n) Uses anything or other automated technology to access the site or services;
  6. o) Uses the site or services for chain letters, junk mail, or spam e-mails;
  7. p) Collects or solicits personal information about anyone under 18 years of age; or
  8. q) Is in any way used for or in connection with spamming, spamming, phishing, trolling, or similar activities.

2.11 No False Information: By registering with the site and receiving the services the user undertakes not to provide inaccurate, misleading, or false information to rematch or any other user or recommended/ suggested matches. If the information provided to Rematch, or at the site/app, or another user subsequently becomes inaccurate, misleading, or false, within the user’s knowledge then the user will promptly notify the site/app of such change or discontinue usage of the site/ app if the user does not require the services any longer.

2.12 No Advertising or Commercial Solicitation: The user undertakes not to advertise or solicit any user to buy or sell any products or services through the site or services. The user is strictly prohibited from transmitting any chain letters, or junk or spam e-mail to other users. Further, no user shall use any information obtained from the services to contact, advertise to, solicit, or sell to any user without the prior explicit consent of Rematch and the other such user. It is clarified that any such use of information shall be the sole liability and responsibility of these users engaging in such activity. Breach by any of the users of the terms of this subsection and sending or posting unsolicited bulk email, “spam” or other unsolicited communications of any kind through the services will cause substantial harm to rematch, and the amount of such harm would be extremely difficult to ascertain. As a reasonable estimation of such harm, the user shall be liable and agrees to pay rematch a minimum of INR 1,00,000.00 for each unsolicited communication.

2.13 Single Bona fide Profile: As a registered user of the service, the user is expected to create only one bona fide profile. In addition, it is stressed that the use of the service must be for bona fide relationship-seeking / matchmaking purposes to maintain the integrity of the services being offered through the site (for example, the user is discouraged from becoming a user for casual relationships, solely to compile a report of compatible singles in user’s area, or to write a school research paper or create a database for other similar sites or creating and collating database for any such purpose). From time to time, rematch creates test profiles to monitor the operation of the services and also offers a feature to refer profiles/ prospective users. The users, at their will, can accept these offers and refer profiles to Rematch. All references to the site made by a user shall be of his/ her free will and wish.

2.14 Selection of Profiles: Rematch may offer promotions from time to time on the site and in the context of the services. Please note for any promotions on the site, the user shall be under no obligation to accept the same. The user acknowledges and accepts that the decision to whether or not to accept the promotion offered or meet or to proceed with meeting or engaging in any relationship with any suggested/ recommended matches will be the sole discretion of the user in question, rematch shall not be liable or responsible for any outcome whatsoever of such suggestions/ recommendations of matches or offering the promotions on the site. It is clarified that all suggestions/ recommendations are made in good faith and with intentions of well-being whether to explore those suggestions/ recommendations is solely and totally in the judgment and assessment of the user. The user is encouraged to review our safety pointers while proceeding with any match in a more committed manner.

2.15 No Harassment of Rematch Employees or Agents: The user is prohibited from harassing, annoying, intimidating, or threatening any Rematch employees or agents engaged in providing any portion of the services. If any user breaches this provision of these terms and conditions, then Rematch may take any legal action it deems appropriate against such user without prejudice to Rematch’s other rights in law or tort.

2.16 Social Media: The site may provide users the option to connect your site/app to any account on some social networking sites (such as via Facebook, Twitter, etc.) For the purpose of logging in, uploading information, or enabling certain features on the service. Please note that Rematch owes no responsibility for the privacy practices of such websites which are not owned, controlled, or managed by Rematch. If in following such links user may be asked to share any information governed under these provisions with the third party websites and thus the user shall be solely responsible for sharing and handling, storing, possessing, and use of that information with such third-party websites. Usually, third-party websites are governed by their privacy guidelines and the user is encouraged to review these carefully to understand the handling of information at third-party sites. The user is aware and confirms that in such a scenario the user will be governed and bound by the policies of the third-party website and rematch will not be liable in any manner for any misuse thereunder. Each social network allows user to set privacy controls around their system, and Rematch’s collection of information will always follow such controls and permissions. This feature is subject to continuous change and improvement by rematch and each social networking site involved, and therefore the available features and shared information are subject to change without notice or consent of the user. All information shared on the site by the user is used in compliance with the privacy policy on the site. We recommend users read the privacy policy on our site/app carefully. Once connected, some of the user matches may also be able to see information about the user’s social network, such as the size of your network and your friends, including common friends. By connecting the user account on this site to other social networking sites, the user unconditionally consents to the continuous release of information about the user to rematch. It is clarified that Rematch does not send any user account information to the connected social networking site without first disclosing that to the user. The user at all times has the right to opt out of this provision by making alterations to the account settings page on the site.

2.17 Third Party recommendations: Users registered/ registering with the site/app from third-party corporate recommendations will have to follow all procedures and requirements specified on the site/app including the verification process and shall be governed by these terms and conditions and the privacy policy and are expected to consider our safety guidelines provided on the site/app. There is no preferred user status for any user at the site/app. All third-party corporations recommending the site/app among their workforce do so as per their company policies and do not incur any liability from doing so or their referred user receiving the services on rematch’s account.

  1. Proprietary Rights

3.1 Ownership of Proprietary Information:  The user confirms and agrees that Rematch is the owner of highly valuable proprietary information, including without limitation, the patented compatibility matching system, compatibility profiles, and personality assessment being shared on the site (collectively, “confidential information”). Rematch owns and hereby retains all proprietary rights in the services, the information provided in the site/app, and the site/app, including but not limited to, all confidential information.

3.2 No Use of Confidential Information: The user undertakes to not post, copy, modify, transmit, disclose, show in public, create any derivative works from, distribute, make commercial use of, or reproduce in any (i) confidential information or (ii) other copyrighted or copyrightable material, trademarks, or other proprietary information accessible via the services, site or the information on the site without first obtaining the prior written consent of rematch, who is the owner of such proprietary rights.

3.3 Other Users’ Information: Other registered users may post copyrighted information, which has copyright protection whether or not it is identified as copyrighted. The user undertakes not to copy, modify, publish, transmit, distribute, perform, display, commercially use, or sell any confidential information of rematch or any information copyrighted or copyrightable or not of third party proprietary information available via the services or the site.

3.4 License to Posted or Accessed Content: By posting information or content to any profile pages or public area of the services, or making it accessible to Rematch by linking the user account with the site to any social network accounts (e.g. Via Facebook, Twitter, etc.), the user grants unconditionally and in perpetuity, and represents and warrants that the user has the right to grant, to rematch and its users, an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully-paid, worldwide license to use, reproduce, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute such information and content, and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such information, and content, and to grant and authorize sub-licenses of the foregoing. From time to time, a Rematch may create, test, or implement new features or programs on the site in which the user may voluntarily choose to participate or maybe a part of a test group with special access, in accordance with the additional terms and conditions of such features or programs. By participating in such features or programs, the user grants an unconditional and perpetual right to Rematch and consents to the terms and conditions (if any) of such features or programs.

  1. User Information

4.1 Privacy Statement: For information about the collection and possible use of information and material provided by the user at the site please review the privacy policy on the site.

4.2 No Contact Information: The user agrees that the user will not post any e-mail addresses, personal website addresses, or personal phone numbers on a third-party website, or other contact information in the “about me” section of the service or in any other communications the user may have with other users. The user may, at his/ her discretion, exchange such information after the user reaches the “anonymous messaging” phase with the appropriate, shortlisted, and approved by the user as his/ her preferred match.

4.3 Disclosure by Law: The user is aware and agrees and consents unconditionally to disclosures of information on the site required to be made: i) under law by rematch; ii) at the request of a third party under various consent forms; iii) any investigative requirement, or if rematch, in its sole discretion, believes that disclosure is reasonable to (1) comply with the law, requests or orders from law enforcement, or any legal process (whether or not such disclosure is required by applicable law); (2) protect or defend rematch’s, or a third party’s, rights or property; or (3) protect someone’s health or safety, such as when harm or violence against any person (including the user) is threatened; or (4) in support of a fraud/ legal investigation/ verification checks.

4.4 Disclosure to Protect Abuse Victims: Notwithstanding any other provision of this terms and conditions or the privacy policy, rematch reserves the right, but has no obligation, to disclose any information that the user submits at the site if in its sole opinion, rematch suspects or has reason to suspect, that the information involves a party who may be the victim of abuse in any form. Information may be disclosed to authorities that Rematch, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate to handle such disclosure. Appropriate authorities may include, without limitation, law enforcement agencies, child protection agencies, court officials, and expert professional investigative agencies. The user understands the provisions of this subsection and grants rematch unconditional, perpetual rights and permission to make such disclosure.

4.5 Use of Anonymous Information for Research: By using the services, the user permits rematch to anonymously use the information from the user and user experiences through the services to continue/contribute to rematch’s research into successful relationships and to improve the experience and quality of the services. Such research is conducted by psychologists and behavior research scientists on the panel of Rematch and may be published in academic journals. However, all user responses will be anonymous, and nothing containing the user’s personal identifying information shall be published.

  1. Links to Third-Party Web Sites / Dealings with Advertisers and Sponsors/ Third Party Recommendations

The services may contain links to websites of third parties, including without limitation, advertisers, which are not under the control of Rematch, and Rematch is not responsible for the content of any linked site, or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such web sites. Rematch provides these links as a convenience on the site, and the inclusion of any link does not imply that Rematch or the site endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content on such third-party website. The user’s correspondence or business dealings with or willingness to participate in promotions of, advertisers or sweepstakes sponsors found on or through the services (including payment, other than when payment details are stored with Rematch for keeping credit details and delivery of services, any personal information or opt-in contact information voluntarily given to advertisers and sweepstake sponsors, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings) shall be solely between the user and such advertiser or sweepstakes sponsor or third party. The user acknowledges and confirms that Rematch will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings, including the sharing of the information the user shares/ provides to Rematch with advertisers or sweepstakes sponsors, or any third party or as the result of the presence of such advertisers or third parties on the services. Please visit the privacy policy and cookie policy of the site to learn more about how user information is handled by Rematch. All users receiving the services or registering on the site at the recommendation of any third-party corporation do so at their risk and shall at all times be governed by the applicable terms and conditions and policies on the site. Rematch does not warrant anything, nor does it incur any liability towards such third party recommending corporate. All recommendations to the site are being made by the third-party corporate at its instance with no liability incurred on behalf of Rematch.

  1. Disclaimer of Warranty

6.1 No Warranties: This section will apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. Rematch provides the services on an “as is” “as available” and “best efforts” basis and grants no warranties of any kind, whether express, implied, direct, indirect statutory, or otherwise with respect to the services or the result of the services or the site (including all information contained therein), including any implied warranties of correctness, validity, accuracy appropriateness, fitness, compatibility for a particular purpose or outcome or non-infringement. Rematch does not warrant that the use of the services will be secure, uninterrupted, always available, error-free, or meet the user’s requirements, or that any defects in the services will be corrected or result in the desired results. Nor does it represent or warrant that any match resulting in marriage is of the highest compatibility and shall never result in divorce or separation. Rematch disclaims liability for, and no warranty is made concerning, the connectivity and availability of the services at all times and the results of the use of the services. Rematch disclaims liability for the outcome of the verification checks for user expectations or aspirations and verification of facts and information provided by the user for self-verification/ verification checks. Any third-party entity or corporate body recommending these services to any user will not be liable for any services or results thereof provided to the user. Rematch nor any third-party recommending entity warrants anything about the usage, results, outcomes, or performance of the services, either directly or indirectly at any point in time. All risks of receiving the services are to the account of the user who is in complete awareness and willingness without any force subscribing to the services.

6.2 Third Party Content: Opinions, advice, statements, offers, or other information or content made available through the services, but not directly by Rematch, are those of their respective authors, and should not necessarily be relied upon. Such authors are solely responsible for such content. Rematch does not: (i) guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided on the services, or (ii) adopt, endorse, or accept responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice, or statement made by any party other than Rematch, or (iii) the background verification information provided by the third party expert service provider agency. Under no circumstances will Rematch be responsible for any loss or damage resulting from anyone’s reliance on information or other content posted on the services or transmitted to or by any users or any relationship resulting in marriage or any marriage resulting in divorce, or any background verification information being false.

6.3 New Features: From time to time, a Rematch may offer new features or tools with which its users may experiment with the services. Such features or tools are offered solely for experimental purposes and without any warranty of any kind and may be modified or discontinued at Rematch’s sole discretion. The provisions of this disclaimer of the warranty section apply with full force to such features or tools.

  1. Limitation of Liability

7.1 Incidental Damages and Aggregate Liability: To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will Rematch be liable for any incidental, special, consequential, or indirect damages arising out of or relating to the use or inability to use the services, result of using the services including, without limitation, damages for recommendation of the site, failed marriage achieved through the site, outcome of verification checks, loss or corruption of data or programs, service interruptions and procurement of substitute services, even if Rematch knows or has been advised of the possibility of such damages. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, under no circumstances will Rematch be liable for any liquidated or punitive damages

7.2 No Liability for Non-Rematch Actions: To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will Rematch be liable for any damages whatsoever, whether direct, indirect, general, special, compensatory, consequential, and/or incidental, liquidated, punitive arising out of or relating to recommendation of the site, the conduct of user or anyone else in connection with the use of the services, including without limitation, bodily injury, emotional distress, financial loss and/or any other damages resulting from communications or meetings with other registered users of the services or as a result of using the services. This includes any claims, losses, or damages arising from the conduct of users who have registered under pretenses or who attempt to defraud or harm other users or failed marriages, or divorce of weddings caused under the use of the services

7.3 Information verification: Rematch and its contractors may use various ways, including engaging third-party information verification service providers to verify information that users have provided. However, none of those ways are perfect, and the user agrees that Rematch and its contractors will have no liability towards the user arising from any incorrectly verified information. At all times, the user has the right to undertake information verification of matched users with whom the user is desirous of progressing and exploring.

  1. Indemnification

The user agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Rematch, its affiliates, subsidiary and parent companies, and each of their officers, directors, employees, agents, and related third parties, for any losses, costs, liabilities, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) relating to or arising out of any third party claim that (a) the user’s use of or inability to use the site or services, (b) any user postings made by the user, (c) the user’s violation of any terms of this terms and conditions or the user’s violation of any rights of a third party, or (d) the user’s violation of any applicable laws, rules or regulations, or (e) the user’s providing any false information to Rematch or conspiring and abetting with any third party for seemingly substantiating such false information to appear as true. Rematch reserves the right, at its own cost, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by the user, the user will co-operate fully in asserting any available defenses in such case.

  1. Communication and Privacy

Rematch may use the user email address to send messages notifying of important changes/ updates to the services or special offers. Further, a Rematch may contact the user by telephone if the number is voluntarily provided on the site, to communicate with you regarding the services. Users can at any time opt out of this if they user does not want to receive such email messages or telephone calls. Users are requested to review our privacy policy carefully to understand the usage indicated here.

  1. Term and Termination

10.1 These terms and conditions become effective upon the user clicking on “I accept” on the site and will remain in effect in perpetuity unless terminated hereunder. Either the user or Rematch may terminate the user account at any time, for any reason or no reason, without explanation, effective upon sending written notice to the other party. Rematch reserves the right to immediately suspend or terminate the user’s access to any of the services, without notice, for any reason or no reason. Rematch also reserves the right to remove the user’s account information or data from services and any other records at any time at Rematch’s sole discretion. Rematch does not use the user’s information once these terms and conditions are terminated or the services are not being used, however, some information/ data about the user may remain archived with Rematch. In the event the account is terminated, or access denied or suspended due to the breach of these terms and conditions or any other reason, then the user agrees that fees paid to Rematch will be nonrefundable and all outstanding or pending payments will immediately become due, and accelerated payment. The user will be liable to compensate Rematch for all connected expenses incurred by Rematch for the investigation process, third-party expenses, or legal expenses once the breach or fraud case has been reported. The user may terminate the account by accessing the account settings or the user can stop accessing the site and using and receiving the services. Non-payment of renewal fees on time will also be an indication of the user’s desire to terminate his/ her account and discontinue receiving the services. Following any termination of any registered user’s use of the service, Rematch reserves the right to send a notice thereof to other registered users with whom the user has corresponded. If the user wishes to continue exchange with any of the other users after terminating these terms and conditions, then that will be at the sole discretion, responsibility, and liability of such users and Rematch will not be responsible for any outcome/ impact or result of such interactions.

10.2 Termination shall not affect any liabilities incurred by the user prior to the termination or for acts performed while registered with the site which may result in a dispute post termination, nor any provision expressed to survive or to be effective on termination shall expire. The obligations set out in this section shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding termination.

  1. Cancellations and Shipping Policy

11.1Cancellation at any time with no refund: Except as otherwise stated in this section, the user may cancel his/ her registration or subscription to services at any time during the term of such registration or subscription or any renewal period by accessing the “account settings” page under the “my settings” option. In such a case, the subscription terminates immediately. There will not be any refund for any unused days of such a subscription term. There will be no timeline for cancellation, as it is not applicable here. 

11.2 Shipping Policy is applicable in Rematch and will be executed immediately once the Rematch has received the subscription confirmation from the payment gateway provider.

  1. Pricing Policy & Renewals

12.1 Pricing Policy: Experience the power of love with Rematch. You can download the app, verify your account, register your profile, and search your partner preferences with no extra costs. We believe in real connections. and so “you only pay when we find a match” that sparks your interest. This ensures you get value for your money, making your journey to find love both economical and exciting. We are committed to making the path to meaningful relationships accessible and transformative for 1 million lives.

12.2 In order to provide continuous service, all paid subscriptions for the services on the date such subscriptions expire are renewed automatically. Such renewals are for the same duration as the original subscription term (for example, a 1-month subscription will renew on a monthly basis, a 3-month subscription will renew on a 3-month basis, and so on). In addition, there could be times with special promotional offers are issued for renewals of different durations than the original. All renewal periods are communicated to the user upon confirmation of subscription. By accepting these terms and conditions the user acknowledges that the user account will be subject to the above-described automatic renewals. Subject to user approval, user credit card information may be stored/ retained by Rematch for all renewals. All user information stored and retained by Rematch is subject to the privacy policy and handled as per the privacy policy


  1. General Provisions

13.1 Agency: This is a principal-to-principal relationship and does not attempt to create any employee-employer or agency relationship. Services are being provided by us as an independent entity and nothing contained herein shall be deemed to create any association, partnership, joint venture, or relationship of principal and agent or master and servant, or employer and employee between the parties hereto or any affiliates or subsidiaries thereof or to provide the user with the right, power or authority, whether express or implied to create any such duty or obligation on behalf of Rematch.

13.2 Assignments: Rematch may assign, in whole or in part, the benefits or obligations of this agreement to its associates of affiliates of other group companies, or any other company, pursuant to a restructuring or re-organization or demerger of its organization or operations causing a change in management or something of the nature. Rematch shall not require approval or consent of the user, it can at its discretion provide an intimation of such assignment to the user.

13.3 Force majeure: Rematch shall not be liable for its failure to perform under this agreement as a result of any event of force majeure events like acts of god, fire, wars, sabotage, civil unrest, labor unrest, the action of statutory authorities or local or central governments, change in laws, rules, and regulations, affecting the performance of Rematch, payment gateways or any other channel partners.

13.4 Governing law, settlement of dispute, es, and jurisdiction: Any dispute or claim relating to it, its enforceability, ty or its termination under these terms and conditions shall be governed by the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 by a sole arbitrator appointed by  Rematch. The arbitration proceedings shall be held in English language at New Delhi. The courts at Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes relating to the subject matter herein.

13.5 Waiver: Unless otherwise expressly stated, failure to exercise or delay in exercising a right or remedy, hereunder shall not constitute a waiver of the right or remedy or a waiver of any other rights or remedies, and no single or partial exercise of any right or remedy, hereunder shall prevent any further exercise of the right or remedy or the exercise of any other right or remedy.

13.6 Survival of provisions: Terms and conditions will survive termination of the same by the user or by Rematch.

13.7 Severability: If any provision, hereunder becomes, in whole or in part, invalid or unenforceable but would be valid or enforceable if some parts of that provision were deleted, that provision shall apply with such deletions as may be necessary to make it valid. If any court/tribunal of competent jurisdiction holds any of the provisions, hereunder unlawful or otherwise ineffective, the remainder shall remain in full force and the unlawful or otherwise ineffective provision shall be substituted by a new provision reflecting the intent of the provision so substituted.

13.8 Notices: All notices, requests, demands, waivers, and other communications required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be @ [hello@rematch.in], if to Rematch, if to the user it shall be to address registered with the site. 13.8

13.9 Right to seek injunction: The user accepts and acknowledges that the breach of the terms and conditions may cause the Rematch irreparable harm, and thus confirms and accepts that the Rematch will be entitled to seek extraordinary relief in court, including but not limited to temporary restraining orders, preliminary injunctions, and permanent injunctions without any preconditions, in addition to and without prejudice to any other rights or remedies that Rematch may have under law and tort.

13.10 Miscellaneous: Terms and conditions, privacy policy, and other policies on the site or made known by us from time to time, comprise the entire agreement between the user and us regarding the use of this service, superseding any prior agreements/ correspondences between the user and us related to the user’s use of this site or services (including, but not limited to, any prior versions of terms and conditions). If any provision of the terms and conditions is held invalid, the remainder will continue in full force and effect. The titles are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect


  1. Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy applies to any website, Mobile Application, Tools, miscellaneous branded pages on third-party platforms (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube), and applications accessed or used through such websites, which are operated by or on behalf of Rematch.

Please note that by using the “rematch.in” website and the Rematch app, you are consenting to our use of cookies in accordance with this Cookie Policy. If you do not agree to our use of cookies, you should set your browser settings accordingly or terminate the use of this site. Disabling cookies may impact your user experience while on the Rematch app.

14.1 What are cookies?
Cookies are files or pieces of information that may be stored on any of your internet-connected devices (such as a computer, smartphone, or tablet) when you visit a website/app. A cookie will usually contain the name of the website/app from which the cookie has come, the “lifetime” of the cookie (i.e., how long it will remain on your device) and create a randomly generated unique number.

14.2 What do we use cookies for?
14.2.1 Rematch will use cookies to make our site and mobile application easier to use and to better tailor them and our products to your interests and needs.

14.2.2 At Rematch, each of your usage patterns, and choices are the bases of providing you the best results in the long run.

14.2.3 Cookies may also be used to help speed up your future activities and experience on our sites. Cookies help us provide you with a better user experience, by enabling us to monitor which pages your visit.

14.2.4 We also use cookies to compile anonymous, aggregated statistics that allow us to understand how people use our sites and to help us improve their structure and content.

14.2.5 We understand and respect your right to privacy and assure you that we cannot identify you personally from this information.

14.3 What types of cookies do we use?
Here, there are two types of cookies being used: “session” cookies and “persistent” cookies.

14.3.1 Session cookies only last for the duration a user uses our website/app and are deleted from your computer when you close your browser or page.

14.3.2 Persistent cookies outlast user sessions and remain stored on your device until they are manually deleted, or until they reach their expiry date. How long the cookie remains on your device will depend on the duration or “lifetime” of the specific cookie and your browser settings.

14.3.3: Please understand that you can accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can choose to modify your browser settings to decline cookies.

14.3.4 However, this may prevent you from using some features of our website/ app. Additionally, it may prevent you from gaining the most benefit from our matchmaking services.

14.4 Cookies on this Website
We use persistent cookies on this website to provide links to social network-sharing services and to update you on our most popular content.

14.5 Third Party Cookies
We use third-party cookies to ensure that registration and the verification procedure are done with utmost care.  The verification process is critical/ important for receiving the complete set of services offered at the site by Rematch. Please do read our Terms and Conditions to understand this further.

14.6 Google Analytics
We also use cookies to help us improve the website/ app usability and for marketing purposes. We may also use cookies to identify the pages you visit. This helps us analyze data about page traffic, improve our website/ app and enhance it to suit the customer needs. We only use this information for the purpose of statistical analysis, after which, the data is removed from the system.

For this purpose, we use Google Analytics. Google Analytics generates statistical and other insights about the use of our websites by means of cookies, which are stored on users’ computers. The information generated relating to our website is used to create reports about the use of the website.